The Property Redress Scheme (PRS) has seen a significant increase in the number of complaints it has received in recent years. The PRS is a government-backed scheme that provides an independent service to resolve disputes between landlords and tenants. It was set up in 2013 to ensure that tenants and landlords had access to a fair and impartial dispute resolution process.
The latest figures from the PRS show that the number of complaints it has received has risen by over 50% since 2015. This is a significant increase and suggests that more people are now aware of the PRS and are using it to resolve their disputes.
The rise in complaints is likely due to a number of factors. Firstly, the PRS has become more widely known and accessible, with more people aware of its existence and how to use it. Secondly, the PRS has become more efficient in dealing with complaints, meaning that tenants and landlords can get their issues resolved quickly and effectively. Finally, the PRS has also become more proactive in its approach to resolving disputes, with more proactive measures being taken to ensure that tenants and landlords are treated fairly.
The rise in complaints is a positive sign for tenants and landlords, as it shows that they are increasingly using the PRS to resolve their disputes. This is important, as it ensures that tenants and landlords are treated fairly and that their rights are protected. It also helps to ensure that any disputes between them are resolved quickly and effectively, which is beneficial for both parties.
Overall, the significant increase in complaints received by the PRS is a positive sign for tenants and landlords. It shows that more people are aware of the PRS and are using it to resolve their disputes. This is important, as it ensures that tenants and landlords are treated fairly and that their rights are protected. It also helps to ensure that any disputes between them are resolved quickly and effectively, which is beneficial for both parties.