Leeds Building Society has recently launched two new buy-to-let tracker mortgages, offering landlords the chance to benefit from competitive rates and flexible borrowing options.
The two new mortgages, which are available to both existing and new landlords, are designed to help landlords manage their finances more effectively. The first mortgage, the Buy-to-Let Tracker Mortgage, offers a rate of 2.99% for a two-year fixed period. This rate is available for loans up to 75% loan-to-value (LTV). The second mortgage, the Buy-to-Let Tracker Plus Mortgage, offers a rate of 3.19% for a two-year fixed period, and is available for loans up to 85% LTV.
The mortgages are designed to give landlords the flexibility to manage their finances more effectively. They offer the option to make overpayments and underpayments, as well as the ability to switch between interest-only and capital repayment options. This means that landlords can adjust their payments to suit their individual circumstances.
The mortgages also come with a range of additional benefits, including no early repayment charges and no application fees. They also offer a range of payment protection options, such as payment holidays and payment protection insurance.
The launch of these two new mortgages is part of Leeds Building Society’s commitment to helping landlords manage their finances more effectively. The Society has a long history of providing competitive rates and flexible borrowing options to landlords, and these two new mortgages are just the latest example of this commitment.
Overall, these two new buy-to-let tracker mortgages from Leeds Building Society offer landlords the chance to benefit from competitive rates and flexible borrowing options. With the ability to make overpayments and underpayments, as well as switch between interest-only and capital repayment options, these mortgages are designed to help landlords manage their finances more effectively.