Common Neighbour Disputes in Newcastle Homeowners

Common Neighbour Disputes in Newcastle Homeowners


Living in a homeowners association (HOA) can be a great way to enjoy the benefits of community living. However, it is important to remember that living in an HOA also means that you must abide by certain rules and regulations. Unfortunately, disputes between neighbours are a common occurrence in HOAs, and Newcastle is no exception.

One of the most common disputes between neighbours in Newcastle HOAs is noise. Whether it’s loud music, barking dogs, or construction noise, it can be difficult to keep the peace when neighbours are not respecting each other’s right to peace and quiet. The HOA has the authority to enforce rules regarding noise levels, and it is important for neighbours to be aware of these rules and to respect them.

Another common dispute in Newcastle HOAs is property maintenance. Neighbours may disagree on how their properties should be maintained, or one neighbour may feel that the other is not taking proper care of their property. The HOA has rules and regulations regarding property maintenance that must be followed, and it is important for neighbours to be aware of these rules and to respect them.

A third common dispute in Newcastle HOAs is parking. Neighbours may disagree on who should have access to certain parking spaces, or one neighbour may feel that the other is taking up too much space. The HOA has rules and regulations regarding parking that must be followed, and it is important for neighbours to be aware of these rules and to respect them.

Finally, disputes between neighbours in Newcastle HOAs can arise over the use of common areas. Neighbours may disagree on who should have access to certain areas, or one neighbour may feel that the other is not respecting the rules regarding the use of common areas. The HOA has rules and regulations regarding the use of common areas that must be followed, and it is important for neighbours to be aware of these rules and to respect them.

Living in an HOA can be a great experience, but it is important to remember that disputes between neighbours are a common occurrence. It is important for neighbours to be aware of the rules and regulations of the HOA and to respect them in order to maintain peace and harmony in the community.

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